Low volume combined with great drum stick feel!
Innovative low volume drumsticks and kick beater let you play your drums and still be quiet! Play with greatly reduced sound evenly throughout your entire drum kit.

- Designed to produce authentic sound and feel produced by wood sticks
- Lightweight hollow shaft (just 24 grams total) and patented head design
- Based on the timbale stick design for lightness and to allow for wood stick techniques
- Delivers easy volume control while providing a relaxed and natural feel in the hand
- Play drags, flams, ghost notes, and five six nine stoke rolls just like a stick
- Perfect for practice and for live performances where you need to play quieter

- 16-inches long
- 1-1/4” loop/tip provides shallower tones on the toms and less volume on cymbals
- Shorter shaft/shoulder makes shoulder playing quieter but still has the same feel as the 2.0
- Great for practice and acoustic performances

Version 2.0
- 16 inches long
- 7/8” loop/tip allows for deeper tone on the toms and more volume on cymbals
- Longer shaft/shoulder makes shoulder playing louder but still has the same
feel as the Classic
- Great for practice and amplified performances


- Provides a quieter down beat that, combined with our sticks allows you to play your entire kit at the lowest sound dynamic
- Unique design allows for light and quiet playing
- Control the thump and shake
- Easy and natural to play
- Produces soft mellow tone
Play quietly without losing the feel and tone of your kit!!
Snare Drums
Other than cymbals, snare drums are the loudest part of your kit. So, to play quietly, bringing the volume down is essential. But you don’twant to lose the tone or feel of the snare. ULTRA TONES lightweight, single stick design gives even, natural stick vibrationpreviously found only in drumsticks.
This unique design allows the drummer to explore different styles and techniques and allows you to get to know your snare while still playing at low volume. You can also play on the shoulder of the ULTRA TONES for just a bit more volume. As you experiment with ULTRA TONES you will find that they bring out tones on your kit you have never heard before.
These are definitely the loudest part of your kit and, for some, the most fun. ULTRA TONES are at their best on the cymbals. You will be the master of cymbal dynamics - the options are limitless. With our ultra quiet tip and our hollow shaft you can play with a range you have never before experienced.
Play from very low to as high as a medium strike as you would with a wood stick. The ULTRA TONES light stick design will allow you to have ultimate control over your cymbals.

The thin timbale-like design was incorporated to give drummers the ability to use wood stick hi-hat techniques. It provides a similar bounce to a wooden drumstick so the drummer can play any style. Even with reduced volume, drummers can keep beats and grooves and still feel natural. ULTRA TONES will produce tones that cannot be made with other sticks.
Toms and bass drum
Control over your dynamics in this area of your kit will ensure that your fills have the fullness needed that makes great sound. Even at lower volumes ULTRA TONES provide the tonality and dynamics you need for both simple and complex fills. Good dynamics on the toms and bass drum let you control the feel of the beat. Ultra Tones lower volume output and no loss of tone combine to make getting know your toms as easy as can be. And, you can finally say good bye to stuffing your bass drum with a pillow or blankets just muffle the noise. With ULTRA TONES Kickbeater you can let the natural sound of the bass drum out without bothering the neighbors.

Are a simple concept and made with simple components. The philosophy behind them was simply to give drummers as much practice time on the kit as possible. You can get rid of those silly noise dampening pads and multi-rod sticks. ULTRA TONES will keep your handwork fresh and your chops moving to the beats and grooves your kit makes by allowing you more time on the kit itself. This just makes good drum sense. Low volume is just one of the many benefits than you will
experience with our product. The best benefit will be really getting to know your kit.
Please visit our shopping page to purchase these and other fine Lidwish products.
Mahalo and Aloha from Lidwishsoulutions.

P.O. Box 880782
Pukalani, HI 96788
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